Tutoring Policy

  • Each tutoring session is $50 for one hour (60 minutes).
  • The payment for each tutoring session is due at the beginning of the session.
  • Each session will be held via Google Meet.
  • To maximize our time in tutoring, please have math questions ready.
    • If there is a document, textbook or online site that you can share so that we can be looking at the same information at the same time, please let me know, if possible, in advance.

Cancellation Policy

  • Sessions ending early by the customer will not result in money back.
  • Sessions ending early by Mrs. Taylor will result in a prorated refund.
    • Sessions ending 31 minutes to 45 minutes early will be refunded 75% of the session fee.
    • Sessions ending 16 minutes to 30 minutes early will be refunded 50% of the session fee.
    • Sessions ending 1 minute to 15 minutes early will be refunded 25% of the session fee.
  • In the case of technical difficulties, a continuation session will be rescheduled for the time missed.
  • There will be a 50% charge for all sessions cancelled within 24 hours before the scheduled session.